According to the report published online February26th by the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, caffeine did, in fact, more than double apoptosis of UVB-exposed human keratinocytes. 根据2月26日在网上皮肤病研究杂志报道,咖啡因是可以做到的,两倍多的诱导紫外暴露人的角质化细胞的凋亡。
The ask of the investigative organizations need the clear fact, the definite proof, but also uses the misty concepts and misty languages. 侦查机关的讯问需要事实清楚、证据确凿,但也离不开模糊概念和模糊语言。
The so-called investigative plan refers to the fact that the investigation work under the guidance of the general rules, from the actual conditions in specific cases, in the judgment of the merits of the investigation developed on the basis of the implementation of the work programme. 所谓侦查计划,就是指在侦查工作的一般规律指导下,从具体案件的实际出发,在分析判断案情的基础上制定的侦查工作实施方案。